Check to see if you can jailbreak your iPhone / iPad / iPod / Apple TV with The Jailbreak Wizard

The Jailbreak Wizard is the most powerful and complete tool to check if you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Apple TV. It features all iDevices ever released by Apple, including the Apple TV.

You’ll find all the jailbreak softwares publicly available on the internet – checkra1n, unc0ver, Odyssey, Chimera, ChimeraTV, etc.

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iOS 14.2 adds a very useful new toggle in the Control Center – Shazam!

Latest iOS 14.2 update mainly focuses on the Control Center, introducing a new Music Recognition toggle. Yes, that’s right, the new control center toggle will instantly use Shazam to recognize music around you.

Apple made it faster and easier to use its music recognition app, Shazam, by adding this toggle in iOS Control Center. If you updated and don’t have it yet, make sure to check the Settings app > Control Center > Music Recognition toggle ON.

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Identify your iPhone / iPad / iPod or AppleTV model

Sometimes you just need to identify exactly the device your are holding in your hands to see its specs, features or just to simply know the exact firmware you need to download in order to restore your iPhone, iPad, iPod or AppleTV. is here to help you; we’ve included in our website a very simple and easy way to do that. Follow this link to get to the iDevice identifier. Just look up the A-model printed on your iDevice and insert it in the search box. We’ll provide useful information about your iDevice in seconds.

Add or remove App pages from iOS 14 springboard

There’s nothing quite like condensing your app collection into a single pane. That’s not always possible though, and so Apple is now allowing users to essentially hide pages of their home screen.

Long press your home screen to enter ‘edit mode’, and then tap the dots above the dock that show how many screens there are. From there, you can simply toggle pages on or off.

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